Hi All,
I am trying to Schedule LCMBIAR File to an FTP Server in LCM Application
To export these files to an FTP server, Is there any configuration required from BO Side ?
we have installed BO 4.0 SP2 in Linux and Data Services 4.0 SP2 in Windows
am having a shared folder in Windows Server(where DS installed), Is is possible to store the BIAR export in shared folder of Dataservice ??
BO Platform and DS are in same Network.
If it possible to store, Please suggest how to do..
When am trying with DS host name and windows user id and password , LCM is throwing an unknown Host error.
one more thing what port number need to mention in Port while giving for FTP server ??
Is it Possible to store the BIAR file in KM Repository of Entreprise portal ?? i know SSO from BO to Portal is not Possible
Please suggest
i think i have asked lot of queries..