when you say "created at properties", do you still need "var workername" in the javascript? arent this muttual exclusive?
when you say "xfa....workers_table[1]; " we'll be acessing a layout field from other page with a binding or the interface structure itsellf? Because on master page(page 1 and page 3) ill need to get the information that will show on page 2 and 4 (for example)
im kind of new in XFA.. ive done some interfaces and layout stuff but the xfa events and classes are still not very clear to me..
I created a properties variable lv_fullname, and ill fill it in the page form (:ready:form event) using
lv_fullname.value = this.GV_FULLNAME.rawValue ;
then int the masterpage (:ready:layout) i used
this.GV_HDR_FULLNAME.rawValue = lv_fullname.value;
but it seems all the pages :ready:form are getting processed before the masterpage (:ready:layout) because all the workers are having the same name.
it also seems the :ready:form events first for the masterpages and only then for the main pages because if use the same event for both, i get empty worker names.
i then tryed to create other variable name like an array. fill the array in design :ready:form events using
if (lt_fullname_array == null )
{var lt_fullname_array = new array();
lt_fullname_array.push(this.GV_FULLNAME.rawValue) ;
and fill the masterpage on the next event ready:layout using
this.GV_HDR_FULLNAME.rawValue = lt_fullname_array[1];
but the arrays does not seem to work (altougth the script sintaxe verification doesnt show any error)
I'm clueless here