I am trying to install HANA to play around with it a little. I tried to install using the tool hdblcmgui since the old method was deprecated and during the Installing SAP HANA database step, the install fails with the following error message.
18:53.727 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Installation failed
17:18:53.727 - INFO: error installing
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Cannot create Instance
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Cannot create instance
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Cannot create SecureStore
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Starting external program /usr/sap/RSW/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Command line is: /usr/sap/RSW/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil -createSecureStore
17:18:53.727 - INFO: Cannot execute program /usr/sap/RSW/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil: /usr/sap/RSW/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil: No such file or directory
17:18:53.727 - INFO: hdbnsutil call failed
When I look in the directory /usr/sap/RSW/HDB00/exe
The files hdbnsutils, hdbparam and possibly others were never created.
hana-db-001:/usr/sap/RSW/HDB00/exe # ls -l
total 16
dr-xr-xr-x 7 rswadm sapsys 4096 May 8 15:45 Python
dr-xr-xr-x 2 rswadm sapsys 4096 May 8 15:45 config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rswadm sapsys 41 May 8 15:44 lexicon -> ../../../global/hdb/custom/config/lexicon
-r--r--r-- 1 rswadm sapsys 549 Mar 7 09:41 manifest
dr-xr-xr-x 7 rswadm sapsys 4096 May 8 15:45 python_support
Does anyone have any ideas?